Monday, September 18, 2017

Blondie driving!

First of all, I know I'm not done with the diaries of my trip to Turkey, but the posts are too long and it takes some time. I decided I'll post other stuff in between too.

Second, the title. Yes. I finally got my driving license yay... .... ....
I wasn't all this scared back when I first started training back when I was 18. I was okayish. Like no biggie you know, I have no idea what's gotten to me now.
I trained back when I was 18, took the test 3 times, and no luck.
Then I stopped because I wasn't in Oman for such a long time, and when I came in holidays, I didn't have time.
This time, I was determined, now or never kinda thing, although i was a scared chicken.. still kinda am on the roads, but you can't blame me, have you seen the reckless drivers here? And what's the deal with them always in a hurry or they give me the feeling that they're in a race or something. If you want to reach somewhere just leave home earlier, speeding and racing on the street won't give you any benefits, for what's it worth you're saving what, 2 or 3 minutes? The roads are filled with radars. Also, in those 2 minutes you will not reach your destination, there are stop lights, bumps and radars you know you'll eventually have to slow down every now and then.
Seriously though, why is everyone pretending like they're in the fast and the furious?
So, you know the tradition says, when you get your driving license, you're not allowed to drive alone for sometime until your parents are sure you know your way, and that you're confident and safe because they're concerned, and I do not blame them this is important somehow I think.
I haven't been driving on daily basis because well... I'm lazy [don't go out much] and everyone's kinda busy to accompany me, while I don't want to risk driving by myself. [Also occasionally dad unintentionally scares me.]
I only go to my aunt's and to the wave, since these are the two places I go to; to see my new baby cousin, and art club Tuesdays at the wave] Oh, I also know the way to my grandma's.
I've driven once only without my brother [yeah, he accompany's me]
Also, I have to mention that if I'm sitting in the passenger seat I could tell you which route to take and where to go etc, but somehow when I'm behind the wheels, man I forget everything and panic a lot.
Another thing is, I rage a lot because of the stupid reckless drivers, and I tend to talk to myself a lot loudly; give myself instructions or you know just recite which way to go etc.. It helps. believe me [Also one of the reasons my little sister does not want to ride with my anymore Haha, poor thing is scared, and I offered to take her to school every morning she ended up crying to my parents that she wants to sleep on the way but if I drive her she'll have to be awake so she would watch the road with me because I talk and yell a lot. I enjoy threatening her by the way that I'll drive her to school if she did or didn't do what I asked her hahah!]

So today [18th of September 2017] I had to go to an event which was held in PACA [it's behind the airport kinda, a bit further from the wave], and I bet with all the ranting about missing my home which is in wattaya and the fact that I temporarily live in Amerat is known to most of you [To my foreign friends it's like I used to live in boxbergerweg, you know nice area near city center and all, but now I live in Arnhem... it's actually considered far.]
And I felt the need to draw a little bit of the map so you understand with me what happened today [God, I feel so blond agh. no offense blondies I'm just going with the stereotype!]
it felt too exposed drawing details so this is the roundabout hahah

Ok so there is the place where I live right. Then there are several turns I don't remember how many, and then there is this roundabout. and there are lots of roads and stuff but I just drew what's important. And its kinda long road not simple like how I drew. So anyway I take a left so I could go down to the other side of the mountain [Oh yeah, Amerat is like on the other side of the mountain. Don't know how else to describe it, but this is where it is.] and it's a long long way until you're down, by that I mean like approximately 15 minutes if you're following the speed laws.

You see, after the roundabout and going all straight there is something like this first, hard curves and weird stuff. Also Keep in mind once you take this road there is only one exit to your right and then there is no going back, and in order to go back you need to go down first take an exit then go up. Later on the next picture I'll describe further

I know this picture looks funny, but this is an indication of the mountain and the road down from it.
Wait, here are some pictures from the internet, Don't get me wrong also, the view is pretty at night from up there I love it but you know going back and forth could be damaging to the car, and some people are scared of this road.
Once upon a time it was considered very dangerous and parents would not let their kids drive there to visit pick or drop their friends who lived in Amerat. Also very few people lived in Amerat sometime ago, but now Mashallah it's getting crowded in here, and the place is slowly being developed, which is good.

well I hope you get a clear picture of what I'm talking about [this is especially for my foreign friends who never visited Oman, you shall visit one day!]
Right so I go all the way down and now the next picture will describe further details

So you see, where exit one is, I'm on this main road. So in order to go to the express way, I need to skip exit one, take exit 2 and then from exit 2 go to the express road.
But what did I do? I somehow [don't even know how] took exit 2, and for a while and a moment of panic I thought I took exit 1, so I took exit 3 thinking it will lead me back to where I was before... But it took me to the 3a8aba [the mountain...] There was another exit [bowshwer] which I took and thought hey this will again take me back to the main road to the first and 2nd exit, but there was a tricky roundabout there in which i was supposed to take the road on right side, but I took left... And then there was no way back I had to climb the mountain once more.
I really got very angry at myself for this stupid act. The dilemma here is that remember how I said there is no other way.... I had to go all the way back to the very first roundabout, take a U-turn and go back again down the mountain.
For a moment I thought I'll just go home and ask my brother to drive me because I was very frustrated. But then I was like hey come on, I've always loved the thought of driving by myself so why not.
Grumpily I went back from the roundabout, down the mountain, exit 2 to the express way and then Alhamdulillah found my way to PACA .. All by myself!
It is a big deal to me to be able to drive all the way to PACA by myself to be honest. The drive was supposed to take approximately in total 45 minutes, but well, since I did the mountain stuff and it took 15 minutes each time, i wasted my 45 minutes here alone. Nevertheless it was a nice experience and I think I'll never forget which exit and turn I'm supposed to take [but hey we're moving back to Wattaya soon in sha allah I won't have to drive from the mountain area anymore]
Also, what you need to know there is this mountain way to amerat and there is another normal way, but the mountain way is easier to go to since it's somewhat closer to the area I wanted to go to today, the other road could lead to the same way but let's say it takes 30 minutes maybe to reach the express way than the normal 15 minutes from the mountain.

The event was really something made my day productive. It was a pleasure meeting new people, listening to entrepreneurs talk about their experiences, with a little socializing [promise I tried and socialized with people, yay me!]

Then returning back time again I was a little scared that I might miss a turn or something, because I don't know it seems scarier at night in the dark, but then I reminded myself that this is fun and I like it. I called my mom to inform her that I will be driving back home now [in case she called and I didn't pick up, I know she'd panic!] and she offered that she and dad will come pick me so that they would drive in front of me, and I can follow them but I insisted on driving by myself and I'm glad I did because the ride back home was alhamdulillah smooth and I actually enjoyed it.

I'll probably panic at the thought of having to go on the road again, but I think eventually it gets better, right?

Well, I promise I'll try to finish writing about my trip to Turkey soon, until then I'll probably post little somethings from my daily actions. Yes, it's all action this side!


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Turkey [2nd-16th of Aug 2017] Pt.1

Another adventure, a new experience!
I've always wanted to go to Turkey, who doesn't? With all the beautiful scenery, that each tell a tale of the ancient history, right?
For the record, I have lots of Turkish friends. Each always tell me stories that made me ache for a visit, and out of nowhere my family literally told me two weeks before our traveling date to arrange everything for our vacation to Turkey!
Two weeks to plan the whole thing for 6 members was no easy task to be honest, since each had their own preference of what should we do and where do we want to go, keep in mind its a family trip so i had to take into consideration certain things like:
- taxi from airport to hotel
- hotel must b 4* or 5*
- hotel must be close to the touring are [city center, museums etc..]
- all rooms next to each other
- type of tours
- no long distance walking
and many other things.. lots of demands.
This was more like putting me in real life test [Since I study tourism management, you know!]
I've prepared a whole schedule of timings and details of each hotel, flight, taxi or activity that we were going to do and had 3 copies given to each couple [it was easier this way!] I also added the estimated budget and let me tell you: I've arranged for a luxurious holiday with proper pricing and the little details your average tour company would not provide. I'm proud of the work I've done.
Overall, the experience was mixed, and I decided I need a proper solo vacation after all this planning and guiding =P

Here are the details of my trip:

2nd of August 2017:

Our flight was after midnight actually. 
Checked in, luggage all gone said goodbyes [ sadly, on this trip my two brothers did not join, I think with all the fun we had, it would have been more fun if they were there, honestly!]

Muscat international airport has some good restaurants, not to compare it with other big airports, just don't expect a lot in it. We decided to eat from DQ [Dairy Queen: we had a branch in Shatti al-Qurum but it was shut down some time ago, so everyone makes jokes about traveling only so you get to eat in DQ!] 
Most of items were not available, what a bummer. So I was wondering why even bother opening up the restaurant if you just sell one item?  business.. business!
But that was the case in some other places, where most of items are unavailable, and let me tell you it is inconvenient. 
So anyway we board.. All was good in the beginning until suddenly i started feeling like I was suffocating, and felt very dehydrated. I thought it was me only, but my mom said the same thing later, not about the dehydration part but the suffocating one. As if the air was fully consumed and you just could not breathe anymore. it is very irritating to be honest. 
Which airline? Turkish Airlines.
However, I actually liked their instructions video, it was rather entertaining and not annoying as most other airlines where you get bored. I'm also very thankful that I did not need to use the toilet, because at one point I wanted to stretch and then decided I'll go wash my face.. to be shocked of the view of the toilet; horribly dirty. I know.. believe me I do not expect to see flowers and butterflies in a toilet but I do not expect to see all this dirt in an airplane toilet you know? How come there is water everywhere, who decided to take a shower in that tiny tiny place? I don't get people sometimes.
We landed safely in Turkey; all exhausted only to find out we have to stand in a very long queue to reach the passport check desk. So we did, and by the time it was almost our turn, we asked other Omani family in front of us about the visa procedure [because no one bothered to tell us anything about that either, we just knew we had to go there and visa is upon arrival] they said we were supposed to get it done before starting the queue, but anyway that it would not take time so my dad and uncle went quickly to get our passports stamped, and by the time they came it was our turn. Passport controllers were all grumpy, they did make us feel like they hate their lives, and it is our fault they're there. I mean, you want tourists to come to your country, how else would the GDP increase easily right? and it's all about hospitality and such; so why the grumpy face and the attitude? We actually pay for the services least you could do is feel neutral maybe.. I don't know. 
So anyway, we pass the control check, take our luggage and head out. 
Since we were all exhausted we decided to take one of those taxis provided by a taxi company with fixed price. It was a big bus so we all fit in it with our luggage.
On the way to the hotel, the view reminded me of Holland. i felt really nostalgic.

For our first night we stayed in Holiday Inn Istanbul Airport hotel which is a 5* hotel. Now you see, I've booked early check-in with all the details, and in fact received a confirmation that it will be ready when we are there. So I go to the reception, check-in and all and guess what? The staff are grumpy too. First thing they teach you in hospitality is that you smile and welcome the guest. I don't understand how can the staff be unprofessional within a hospitality industry. You walk into the industry knowing what you have to give and what is expected, so maybe leave your attitude behind? I also understand we all have bad days but really, learn to be professional because in the end customer is always right, and it is always about the reputation!
So the receptionist starts arguing with me that it is early and rooms are not ready, and then asks me if the hotel confirmed anything and I show him the proof. No apologies nothing just simply says in same grumpy tone go sit I'll call you when room is ready. Owkaayyyy..
Thankgod in 10 minutes the rooms were ready. We slept finally, until 13.00.
We took a taxi from the hotel to Taksim square which is like their city center there. All shopping stuff and lots of restaurants everywhere.
Did I mention: the people here look beautiful effortlessly.. Mashallah!
Also, as I walked on the streets of Turkey, I saw the faces of my Turkish friends everywhere.. I really felt nostalgic.. Guys, I know you're reading this and I miss u all so much.
While my mom and aunt were busy exchanging the currencies me, dad and my uncle walked a bit, discovering the area. I like how their neighborhoods look all old, kids playing everywhere, and the houses are literally on top of each other somehow. I find such things beautiful, where you could feel the essence of real homes, not just 'houses' you know? 
I also liked seeing stalls for corn, chestnuts, and Turkish breads\sandwiches. There were also luckydraw tables everywhere.. Also, here is where u see talents in marketing.
We had first shawarma, since we were very hungry they did not want to look further for proper doner restaurant, just something quick from the street [which let me tell u was not your great Turkish shawarma, just a regular one but very dry too]

We went for some light shopping, then we went to this mainstream coffeeshop [mind you; not the Dutch coffeeshop.. a normal one like the rest of the world, hah!] they all had kunafa, while I fell in love with this large strawberry cake... 

I can't begin to stress on how much I LOVED THE CAKE. This place became my favorite..
Mustafa Hafiz. [make sure you remember the name, so you can visit it when you go to Turkey!]


Then we entered a place which was like a Bazaar, and it was nice to see. They had all those handmade things, old-fashioned items, modern items in an old-fashioned designs... The type you just love to look at. Also, if you're a 90's kid and older, you'd remember the good old days.. where luxury was in simplicity of the things. I'm sure you're remembering some of the cool old items.

 you see, I'm pretty sure I took more pictures.. but I somehow can't seem to find them..
I saw so many cute things that I wanted to buy, but I thought I'll come back after a week and buy all that I want.. little that I knew that they changed the theme of the bazaar on weekly basis... so I never saw any of those cute things a week later when I came back, sadly.
We left the bazaar, and there were lots of street performing around, which were very entertaining.
Also you'd find those stalls on the street, of people selling chestnuts, simits [Turkish bread], and corns. 
So we took some corns. 

Continued walking.
Then we decided we wanted to go to the mall, so we went to the taxi place, and fortunately we found a father & son taxi, which was perfect for us since we need to cabs anyway.
I rode with my aunt and uncle with the son, while mom dad and sis went together with the father.
I'm not kidding, I felt like we were in the fast and the furious. Each driver was trying to show skills and to dare who's the craziest in driving. While it was a little bit scary, it was very thrilling. Normally, I don't like speeding.. but somehow I felt like these two knew what they were doing and for once in my life I decided I'll enjoy rather than stress about someone driving crazily. 
It was the best ride in this trip, haha!
we went to Mall of Istanbul, which was like 5 minutes car ride from our hotel [there was no way we could walk, as in literally no way for pedestrians].
Upon entrance there was security check just like those in airports, which is considerate of them in a touristic place but also tiring where you have to put bag and wait in the queue.
Okay, so the mall is huge!! Probably was 5 floors if not 6, and wide too..
So the moms went shopping while the rest of us were just exhausted and waiting on the benches.
We thought just like Oman, the shops would close at 22.00 and restaurants would close at 00.00 something, but to our surprise by 22.00 everything including restaurants were closed. The mall was preparing to shut down completely and we didn't get ourselves any dinner.
Fortunately, one restaurant only which sold baked potato was open, so me and Mama took from it, while the rest are not potato fans, decided they'll take something from the supermarket or order room service later.
We wanted to exit the building but it was huge and kinda dark so we lost the way in the beginning, but then found it. As soon as we left the building we were shocked by the huge queue for the taxis. So we waited. A family before us did something and then there was lots of yelling and screaming between the security and the taxi drivers. So when our turn came, the taxi drivers were equally all mad still, and when we told them to take us to the hotel they got madder because its a 5 minutes ride which means they would not make big amount of money taking us back.
In the car, the taxi driver was murmuring loudly dua'as which indicated he was angry it went like:
'Astaghfrullah...' then he said 'la hawla wala quwata' and i hear my uncle suddenly complete the sentence 'ella b allah' that's when I started laughing and for a moment I thought the guy will kick us out of the car in the middle of nowhere. So whatever Dua the man recited my uncle would join him in doing so. Believe me it was hilarious.
We went back, gathered in my mom's room, they indeed ordered room service, we had a cute family dinner together then everyone went to their room.
My night didn't finish.
I was talking to my Turkish friends, telling them about my day and catching up.
Two of my best friends were coming back to Turkey but unfortunately I learnt on that day that we would not meet, and I was somewhat sad because it's been a while since we last saw each other and I missed them terribly.
After that I fell asleep, and it was a goodnight sleep.

So I've decided I'll post this one now, and post the rest of the days on the way because I realized I'm taking too long and I have other posts to write but no time to type them down.

So, until next post!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


First of all, happy new year to ya'll !

Right then, about the IGN convention. All what I'll write here would be based on my opinion, and my opinion only.
I heard about people travelling to different countries -from Oman- just to attend the IGN convention, or what I used to hear is 'comic con'. All I knew about it, is that people tend to dress in different costumes whether based on animes or game characters, I've also seen all sorts of pictures and videos about how crazy it gets, how exciting it is; like you get to live your favorite character, and meet those other people who are fans just like you.

I remember seeing a Facebook page about bringing IGN to Oman, and back then coz I lived in the Netherlands, I didn't care much coz I knew I wouldn't be in Oman to attend it, however I clicked the Like button, as it seems [ what I've been told too ] that if the page was liked by many, they will consider it.
As they say, everything happens for a reason, I moved back to Oman, and as the time got closer, the hype was increasing, and I remembered 'hey! I clicked the like button too.. oh.. I'm in Oman! ok time to choose a character'.
Thing is, with female characters you always have to reveal too much of your skin, and I wear Hijab, therefore it is a bit difficult to dress up as any of my favorite female characters [hint hint I LOVE caitlyn from League of Legends!].
I thought I wanted to be a Teemo coz well, that's the second character I loved, but to find exact materials was and still is difficult you know, it's either too expensive [like what am I supposed to do with the costume after the convention?] or you simply can't find it easily.

I did not want to be Batman coz obviously that's an easy thing anyone would do (Surprisingly no one did hmm..)
I did not want to cosplay in something that someone else would cosplay too, you know, where's the fun in that then.
So I went for a choice that mom resisted in the beginning and tried to change my mind.. Coz obviously it is a little too much.


He's such a cutie, all fully covered revealing no skin (that, if he has any skin HAH!)

Karthus is the death singer, in League of Legends.

here are some of the pictures.. all about me ofx. nyahahaha. 

choosing my next victim...

 While waiting to meet HODOR!

& Then we MEET HODOR OMGOMGOMG #GoT #GameOfThrones








I couldn't take more pictures as my phone was in my bag and my picture was taken by others [paparazzi!]. it was an amazing experience honestly speaking. Although it was a bit small, yet so wonderful. I know I had a blast!
There were so many anime related things, such as posters, action figures, etc.
They had tournaments for some games too.
Unfortunately they only did the cosplay competition on the first day, had they done it on 2nd day.. who knows who might have won  ;p hint hint.. my brother; I mean besides my amazing cosplay, his was the thing yo.

Until next time summoners..