Saturday, March 9, 2013

From an artist to a Gamer

Funny eh?

I once cared a lot about literature, drawing, and creating things..
But all that changed. The change was dramatic, I must say.

I've always wondered about those who spent hours playing same\different games.. sitting in one place yet enjoying a lot.
I couldn't understand that joy, I mean,sure I played computer\video games but it wasn't for long time. I would have rather done different activities and always change the routine.

I was a huge art-holic.
I was talented.. I would always draw, read, create cute things from anything that's no longer useful around me. I would always finish big novels in short time and ask my parents to get me more to read. To a point where my birthday gifts and rewards were novels, and I'd spend my pocket money to buy more novels!
 I was so passionate about art and literature.. I'd write poems, articles which seemed like a work of anyone older than my age.
That all disappeared from the dictionary of my lifestyle.
I don't remember when did it happen, and how did it happen... But I know it just did!

That one time I decided to start playing this game, which back then was popular and everyone spoke about it ' League of legends' . I rage quit  in the tutorial, I remember, but then I said to myself 'common it's easy let me try again' So through the process of practicing I didn't know that I'm allowing myself into an entrance which has no exit.


Time passes by fast, without my knowledge of the hours I spend playing this game.
Furthermore, I started playing  other games too. I played diablo III for a while .. then I played  Guild wars 2 as well.. They were addictive in the beginning but I got bored easily.
Since I study abroad away from family, I got myself a PS3, playing COD, crash bash, crash bandicoot3 and tekken tag tournament.

Can't get rid of this addiction.

Yes.. I'm a gamer now..


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