Friday, May 24, 2013

Story of my life : Diabetes !

    I'm 20 years old now. I'm living with 'diabetes' since 10 years now.
    I might share my story some other time.  

   I know, you might say 'ah well, you can't eat sugar and sweet things, that's what's it all about' but no. There is more you should know. By writing this blog I'll refresh my memory with the things I might have forgotten and I might answer some questions that you might have, or wondered about, also to give an awareness.

   There is an organ in your body called the 'pancreas'. This organ produces 'insulin'. Insulin helps keeping the glucose level in your body stable. Now what you need and have to know is that whenever you eat any kind of food, inside your body it breaks down into sugars. The main sugar is called 'Glucose'. Glucose gives you energy, yet to remain healthy the glucose should be neutral, not high or low!

* Symptoms of having Diabetes:

- Getting thirsty a lot.
- frequent urination
- continues hunger
- weight loss
(in my case, I shivered a lot and felt weak too)

 * Diabetes are two types.
- Type 1 :
This could happen to children, up to age of 20? (Juvenile or young adults)
People with diabetes type1 are treated with insulin ( injections)
It's not genetic when it's type 1 Diabetes. You just get it because your pancreas is tired and doesn't want to work. don't blame ol' granpa ;p

- Type 2
This happens to people who are 40+ years old. These people are lucky they don't have to deal with injections [ some cases, they do] They could either take pills or just follow a certain diet.

    You see it has a long term effect too! Like if the glucose level is high most of time this would effect on the future of a person. These threats are mainly to people with type 1 diabetes.

* The threats :
- Atheroma ( hardening of arteries) : this causes heart attacks, stroke and poor circulation.
- Eye problems: it would effect on vision
- Kidney damage\kidney failure
- Nerve damage
- Foot problems ( some people have their toes cut off, true story)

Also, when the glucose goes low, it's dangerous! Matter of fact, it's more dangerous than when glucose is high.
* When Sugar is low these are the symptoms :
- sweaty 
- Confused
- unwell
- shivers
- comma < most dangerous!
In case of a person having 'hypo' which means glucose going low, a person should drink a juice. Juice has faster effect than anything in increasing the level of the glucose. One more thing, anyone who's facing a hypo situation should drink the juice\eat chocolate by themselves, they need to stay conscious and do it by themselves, otherwise it's dangerous to feed them. In worse case scenario, a person should be injected with a special kind of medicine.

It's very important to check the blood glucose before having a meal, and 2 hours after the meal. Keeping blood glucose in normal range which is between 5.0 - 7.0 is important.

 There is something else I would like to introduce in this topic : Insulin pump.
  This machine makes life easier, with it, a person who's got diabetes can eat and drink anything s\he wants, yet with it comes lots of responsibilities. [read further about it please]

     So basically, it's a machine with a pipe that's connected to the body. As you can see from the picture above, it can be injected in the belly, also on the thighs. The second picture shows what's exactly connecting to the body. This is inserted by an injection, the injection then gets removed and the pipe remains still in the body.
   So many people ask if it hurts, no it doesn't hurt. I don't even feel it there. Injecting sometimes hurt but common, it's just a tiny pain. People ask also if it's a one time thing, no it's not. I have to change it every 3-4 days, depends on how much insulin I use.
Two main things you should know about the machine, it has a 'basal' and a 'Bolus'
   1- Basal:   It's the background insulin that pancreas supplies the body and it's present 24 hours a day. This machine has an option that's called 'Basal' as well, and it does the same work. it gives a fixed amount of insulin to the body 24hours. A person who wants to use this machine should sit with the doctor\nurse and set up the basal needed. 
[ My case : 2 basals are used. 12.00 am : 1.00U\h. 11.30 : 1.10u\h ]

   2- Bolus: It's the extra insulin the pancreas supplies the body when the person eats something. And this machine has it too. The thing here is that you need to check the blood glucose before eating any meal, then count the carbohydrates the meal contains, put them in the machine and it will tell you much insulin your body needs, and it gives it to you.

It's important to check the blood glucose after two hours, to see if the glucose level is normal or not, if not then you put the number in the machine and it shall give you the correction.

   Earlier I mentioned it allows the diabetic patient to eat\drink anything, it's true but with so much response and not everyday. It could be once a month, or something like that. Also the person should still be taking care of the regular diet, and exercise too!

   Final tips : Taking care of feet is very important. Now I don't know about most, but I know that my feet tend to hurt more often, I get this feeling like they're burning, therefore applying cream on it every now and then is necessary and it helps. Also I put my feet in hot water from time to time.

   Some people who have diabetes might get a disease called : Celiac disease

I will blog about it later. I hope this post was useful. For those who didn't know all these information, now you do. Taking care of your loved ones who have diabetes and show them that you know would make them happy and motivate them to take care of themselves more.

 I hope I haven't forgotten anything, if there are any questions or if anyone needs help I'll be glad to help\answer =D


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fun working!


  It's not literal work what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the school work that I have to do.
  Used to hate it a while ago, perhaps because I had so much to do in so little time? 
  Yes, the pressure of the milestones that we had to deliver every week was a nightmare to be honest. & Yes I dislike working in group. I love and prefer to work alone. It's not that my group sucks or something, but that's my nature! I don't mind working with group when it doesn't include so much paper work. Like when it's activity or something. Also when the purpose is clear. Yes, I preformed badly a while ago and I still feel bad about it but seriously that was a messed up case, and I'm glad it's over. You could always ask if you're interested to know what happened, I'm just not bothered to type it all up right now.

  It's 3.10 am and I'm awake working on a study case that I have to deliver tomorrow. Now, I remember how when the week begun I told myself I'll finish it before time and be an excellent student, but AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!! Okay, no seriously, what happened?
  Working on it now seems so much fun to me. Am I weird or am I just sleepy? 
Also, by working on it right now twitter, facebook and blog are much more interesting. I know I told myself I'll have at least on post on my blog everyday but who was I kidding, I was excited in the beginning but then I became lazy to post. I either get inspired and I forget about it when I'm free or I get so lazy to post and gather my thoughts again, whereas right now, I'm blogging while doing the assignment. This is how I make it fun to work on.

  Right now I don't know if I'm really sleepy or hungry, all I know is that I'm feeling so crazy. Why can't I feel crazy more often in the day time??

 Another thing that I'm thinking of right now is, whatever assignment I'm doing I could as well make a blog post on it and perhaps help other students like me who're looking for answers, you know? They might feel happy and then say something like 'god bless you' or yeah the good words. I know if I found a blog post that has all the answers I need that person would be my favorite. That person would actually be my hero. So yeah, I'll be your hero minions.

   2nd thoughts, I might be too lazy to post the answers.. but I'm considering it so visit more often who knows, you might get the answers!! [ to my classmates, this might not be useful for you, and this is not for you it's for the next generation minions! =P ]
   At the moment, I'm in a phase where I'm all wounded and I careless about more wounds, if you know what I mean. I won't explain it further so just understand it the way you want. I careless remember?

  Okay I think I'll just ended up here and perhaps post something else if I felt like it? Meanwhile if you really want to read the immediate thoughts as I'm doing the assignment you could just read my tweets!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Get your inspiration back!!

  Welcome to my blog once again.
  This post is for me, and anyone out there who need their inspiration back.
I'm an excited person, tell me about a task to do I'll be excited to finish it before the time and make sure its good 'sufficient'. I always got inspired, worked with ambitious to get the satisfying result, and that made me happy. Simply because I loved the work I was doing. Therefore, automatically the result would be positive.
  I always encourage 'loving what you do' because I believe if a person loves what s\he's doing, no matter how hard it is, they would be able to finish it with a good outcome. However, those who are forced to do something they don't like, won't get any good result no matter how hard they work, simply cause love wasn't added to the work. You see how love is a key here. 

  Oh well, I'll talk again about how coming to Europe had changed everything in my life, bare with me. 
For some reason, so far all the work I do [ with or without the group ]  is insufficient. It's so hard to keep up, there is no much time for everything, literally.
How does the day end so quickly, haven't finished much, even if I did there's always something missing. Now how is that supposed to inspire me to work harder? I don't like taking my work home, I want to enjoy while I'm home that's why mostly I finish my work at the school library.
  Sometimes it seems impossible to get out of this situation. Yet, I remind myself I'm not the only person in this world who's going through this phase, neither am I the first or last one to feel this way. Everyone goes through this phase every now and then. It's important to stay strong.
Anytime you feel unmotivated, or uninspired just remember it's takes few steps to get over the situation, nothing is impossible, you just need to stop being lazy.

  How to get inspired?? 

1- Take a moment, a break.
  you need a moment of relaxation. Something that takes your mind away from all the serious stuff. Do things you feel like doing ; drawing, reading, writing, or playing a sport! Trying to get comfortable would really help. your brain needs a little break!

2- Note down your ideas
  Take a blank paper [not the one with lines] and note down any random idea you have in your head, and it doesn't have to be in an organised way, do it however you like it.

 3- Things you Love.
  Never gets old. This is to get your mood to : Happy Mode! Just note down all the things you love in life. You'll realize your smiling, a slight change would be noticed in the mood. Being happy is important in being inspired.

 4- Dream
 it's okay to have your own dreams. Dreams would give you purpose, it will remind you of what you're doing and why are you doing it.

 5- Try something new
 You're used to a daily routine, same things everyday. It's the time you start something new. Something you've wanted to try but never did. This is your chance for a change, this experience might show you some things you've been blinded to.

 6- Children.
 Do you remember how it was fun being a child? there were not much worries, you could just play all day long. How about spending a day with children and see the world through their eyes? It would refresh your mind. 

 7- Read about it.
  Read blogs, posts, tweets, or quotes that contain the word 'inspire'. You'll know you're not alone in this situation, and you'll always find your inspiration somewhere there. You will get new ideas.

 8- Support
  In whatever you're doing, you will always need support. Even in this, you need the support of your loved ones.

  Hopefully, after doing some of these steps, you're back on the game!! Just remember it's never too late, and you can always achieve your goal if you wanted it badly.

   Back to me, I thought I didn't have time for these because I have so much to catch up with, but I was mistaken. I deserve a break, and I have to bring back my inspiration\motivation, otherwise I'm going nowhere.
  Regarding this, I know so many cases, so many stories but I think this post is long enough already yeah? Maybe some other time!!

You're awesome for reading this. Bye!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Food Love!

  Hello lovely people.

  I love food. I'm the type of person who lives to eat. 
  However, I'm too moody and very picky when it comes to food actually. I don't eat everything and anything. Also, I'm not the type who would want to try something new. I also judge the food by it's look. If it doesn't look good I wouldn't try it, even if everyone said the taste is so great. 
  I know you'd think, how do I eat from the restaurants then, if I don't like to try new food. I only try the new stuff if I saw someone eating it and it looked good enough, or I would ask the waiter to describe the stuff on the menu, and I would choose the best food described to me.
Food has this big effect on me, and whenever I'm angry it's coz I'm hungry. I mean yeah, in the end food will literally change my mood. One more thing I shall add, if food wasn't yummy I would get upset :c !
   In Europe the variety of food is limited. I mean, I don't find any fancy restaurant with food that actually feeds your hunger yet with a good price. In such cases I miss Oman so much, and I also regret the times my parents went to Dubai [UAE] and I said I won't come. The food there is to die for. My Pasta obsession started from there, thanks to Mrs. Vanelliz <3 [the craves!]
     I never get bored of eating the same pasta over and over again. I literally eat pasta  4 times a week? it is an obsession.
    One more thing I would never get bored of : POTATO!!! Either mashed or baked, potato is to die for!!!

   Finally spicy food : I love eating spicy food [ Blame the 1\4 Indian root within me ??] . I can't enjoy any food which isn't spicy. I know it's not healthy but well, good food to me is the spicy food. Spicy but eatable ofx.

  I don't like sauces btw. I don't like adding stuff to my food, but sometimes I don't mind mayonnaise [ if it's fries only]. Otherwise I'm in love with the green tabasco. Green tabasco isn't really spicy but it's really good to add if the food I'm eating isn't spicy. That flavor makes me fly. [ when I say fly, I really do a certain move that I do when something is yummy to the core, know what I mean?! =P ].
  The burns on my tongue are my favorite part, it's so spicy yet so yummy, try eating something hot with the green tabasco. It's the climaxxxx!
  Most of my friends can't really eat the same food I do, they complain it's too spicy, I guess they're just not used to eating spicy food. Meh!
  Sometimes I think my taste sense has gone because of the spice I eat xD  but still, I'm helpless when it comes to eating spicy food, it's one thing I can't really resist.

look at the beauty<3

  If anyone wants to try spicy food, pay me a visit =P I enjoy the company of people who love eating as much as I do, these people are my favorite.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

I'm a cat person

   I never thought I would ever be a cat person.
   I hated cats, and they used to really scare me so much. I wouldn't stand seeing any cat in front of me, I would shush them away, or hit them with something to leave me alone.
   I once was talking to my friend about owning a cat. A Persian cat with lots of fur and cuteness. Next thing I know is that my friend surprised me with a little kitten. She wasn't Persian, but she was so cute and tiny.
   I named her 'Pasta'.

   When I got her she was only 6 weeks old. I know, it's so sad to take a kitten away from her mom while she was this tiny, but the owner just wanted to give away the kitten coz he had too many.
  I still remember how scared she was. So quiet and wouldn't really move much. She would go and hide under the sofa all the time.
  I had no experience with cats, I didn't know what should I feed her, how to shower her, if she'll poop randomly anywhere at my house. One more thing, I would literally freak out when she moves. I was scared she'd bite me or scratch me [ in my own terms, I was scared she'll eat me ]. When it was time to sleep, she would come and 'cuddle' that was cuuuuuute but scary for me, as a first time.
  By time I learnt a lot about cats. I understood cats' feelings just by looking at her tail. Yes, tails tell a lot.
She wouldn't meow and that was abnormal, I mean don't cats always meow and annoy us? I thought it was weird but it turned out the meows also mean certain stuff.

  * Sleeping habits :
        I bought her a bed, a very cute bed that would make her feel like a boss. She wouldn't sleep on her bed, she loves to sleep on me. Like in the middle of the night when I want to turn, I feel something heavy on my chest, and then I wouldn't move because she's too cute sleeping there. I could tell she loves the time when she knows I'm going to bed, like even though she sleeps most of time, yet she loves it when it's time to go sleep in the room, haha.

  * Shower time :
        It's her nightmare. First day it was too difficult but now she's less aggressive. I love how her fur looks so fresh and smells nice after the shower <3

  * Food :
        Uhh, It smells really horrible, but I want her to grow really fat. I want her fat n flufffyyyy. Yeah well I learnt that cats need special diet too, special food and I shouldn't mess it up. Like I can't give her junior's food and all of sudden I give her adult's! Also, there should be the hard food and the wet? food. Milk is important too.

  * Pooping :
     Okay, I know it's inappropriate xD but yeah what else should I write =P Cats have this nature of pooping in a place where there is so much soil. So unlike my fears, she didn't poop anywhere around the house. I brought her a litter and she knew her way. There was an info I read somewhere, if cats don't cover their poop they disrespect their owner. Funny eh? Well, for what I know mine covers hers like it's a treasure.

 * Playing :
     Cats love chasing things. So I bought her these few toys which I could move them and she would just chase them. She never gets bored of it and it's funny to watch h er jump and try hard to catch those things.
One more thing, everyone knows the obsession of cats with the laser. I also love to play pikaboo with her. I don't know whats with cats and coming closer to you everytime you hide your face and then show it again. hahah.

 * Haunting  
   Cats are hunters. it's in their nature to hunt.
So yeah, if I'm cooking and lets say a small piece of brocolli or anyt vegetable fell down, I will find it later on my bed. That's her way of gifting haha! or a cotton bud fell, she will play with it but yeah she'll put it on my bed, as a GIFT!  that's funny.

  Cats are also obsessed with their tails. If they're doing anything, just hold their tail and show it to them, they'll forget everything else and just focus on their tail.

  I just love 'Pasta' so much, she's so cute. I don't mind the fact she's not a Persian cat, I just adore her so much. It's cute how every night she would come and rub her head on me, cuddle and lick my cheeks [ which is btw annoying yet so cute ] and every morning she does the same. Well she's my sleeping buddy because she's the only one who enjoys sleeping as much as I do, but sometimes she would wake me up 'cause she needs attention and to play'.
'Pasta' is 8 months now, and I'm too attached to her. I'm still going to live in the Netherlands for 4 more years, I can't wait til she grows up and becomes a fat cat.
My kitty is officially Dutch, she's got THE PASSPORT.
Yeah, this blog post is a dedication to my little kitty.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Nail Art

  Been so passionate about my nails lately.
There is noway I'd go another day if my nails aren't neat and looking good. Here are some of the nail art that I tried on my nails.
Enjoy browsing them =D


Trashy people

They do deserve the name!

   I don't know you, you don't know me, therefore have some respect and have manners when you're talking to me. I mean yeah, we don't really know each other well then don't be informal immediately. It's not 'cool'.

  I don't like such people. Who likes them?
Some people really lack respect. If you don't have respect no one will respect you. Some people have the most annoying attitudes ever, they think if they're going to talk and swear it means they're just so cool, ignoring the fact that they're surrounded by people, by families or kids maybe. They should be considerate more about such behaviors. It's not funny at all, it's AWKWARD!
If you're with your friends, do what you want but make sure it's within you guys, not publicly.

   Some might say it's freedom. You're free to do what you want as long as you're not harming others with what you do. Behaving like that could be harmful actually.
  There is a quote that says "Your freedom ends when others' starts" this could be a good lesson to those ignorant people who think freedom is doing what they want without thinking of others and what might their actions result. Another quote is "Only by taking responsibility for oneself, to the greatest extent possible, can one ever be free, and only a free person can make responsible choices - between right and wrong, saving and spending, giving or taking"  so don't mix up between being free and having the trashy attitude.

  Personally, I know some people who are like that. We're not friends but they talk that way. The thing is no one respect them for such behavior and by the end of the day they cry that they don't get treated  right. How will someone treat you in a good way if you're being a trash?
   Think about it.

  I'm not going to respect a person who has no manners or respect to him\herself. 
'nuf said.

Peace out

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Visitors, and the 'generosity'

  Being an Arab, and living in the Arabic environment means one thing : Being generous.

Well, specifically I'm writing about being generous to our guests. To us, it's like a duty to make our guests\visitors feel comfortable and good when they're visiting us. It would be considered as a big shame if the guest isn't happy, comfortable or satisfied from the visit.

A personal thing : My parents always taught me not to ask anything from anyone. Yes, it's the pride. Die proud but never ask for something from anyone. Well it could be bad sometimes but this is how I am. I don't ask for anything, it's considered as a very shameful and despicable thing to me. 

You get the picture, yeah?

I live in the Netherlands. in Europe. 
It's so different here. Everyone only cares for him\herself, there is no generosity. [ yes it could be bad sometimes, to be honest] but yeah, this is a very different culture than what we're used to, in Oman.
Every time I host something at my house, my friends would ask me if they have to bring anything, my reply is always : No, I have everything we need.
& yeah, I actually bother to go and buy things to make sure we're not really missing anything, and that I would be a good host, provide everything they need.
My pride won't let me ask them to get anything. I can't say yes to that.
I figured I can't adapt with the culture here, somehow but I'm still trying.. It might take me sometime... 
I somehow feel less guilty after talking with a friend, and he said it's normal for us to help and bring things too, so I don't have to worry much about it. I felt good, but I'm not sure yet if I will let them get things next time.

 One more thing is, when I'm in Oman, my parents provide everything I need for any party I'm hosting, but it's different now.. I'm a student in a foreign country. I have to survive and manage my money well, but if I keep doing what I do ''being generous'' I'll end up really broke. See, my parents would send me money anytime I need but I don't want to depend on them. I can manage just right alone. Sometimes I tell myself I can be generous later when I work but yea... PRIDE!

  Hopefully next time I'm hosting something, I'll just tell them to get something it would be easier. We're all students here I shouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed because yeah.. this is not my country. It's time to give the generosity some break.

I know many might think I'm stupid or a fool for doing that but you can't really judge if you haven't lived in culture like I did. It's a very beautiful thing, to be generous, believe me. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Play to win

you too?

I always yelled at my little [ they're not little anymore but to me they always will, right?] siblings when they lost a game and started raging. I always told them it's about enjoying the game not winning! so what if you lost, you can win next time right?

  Yeah, that all changed. I became one of them too. I don't literally get pissed off and over react, but I play to win. It's about showing off your skills, to be a pro! That what matters the most. I'm just being honest, don't hate!

 What a strange world. Yeah this pretty much is what I wanted to write about, though I assure you when I started to write, I wanted to say much more, but I've been playing in between so I think my thoughts are lost somewhere in the game!

Ohh, and the best part is, when you rub it in your enemy team's face. I won. HELL YEAH!!
 know that feels? 
