I hated cats, and they used to really scare me so much. I wouldn't stand seeing any cat in front of me, I would shush them away, or hit them with something to leave me alone.
I once was talking to my friend about owning a cat. A Persian cat with lots of fur and cuteness. Next thing I know is that my friend surprised me with a little kitten. She wasn't Persian, but she was so cute and tiny.
I named her 'Pasta'.
When I got her she was only 6 weeks old. I know, it's so sad to take a kitten away from her mom while she was this tiny, but the owner just wanted to give away the kitten coz he had too many.
I still remember how scared she was. So quiet and wouldn't really move much. She would go and hide under the sofa all the time.
I had no experience with cats, I didn't know what should I feed her, how to shower her, if she'll poop randomly anywhere at my house. One more thing, I would literally freak out when she moves. I was scared she'd bite me or scratch me [ in my own terms, I was scared she'll eat me ]. When it was time to sleep, she would come and 'cuddle' that was cuuuuuute but scary for me, as a first time.
By time I learnt a lot about cats. I understood cats' feelings just by looking at her tail. Yes, tails tell a lot.
She wouldn't meow and that was abnormal, I mean don't cats always meow and annoy us? I thought it was weird but it turned out the meows also mean certain stuff.
* Sleeping habits :
I bought her a bed, a very cute bed that would make her feel like a boss. She wouldn't sleep on her bed, she loves to sleep on me. Like in the middle of the night when I want to turn, I feel something heavy on my chest, and then I wouldn't move because she's too cute sleeping there. I could tell she loves the time when she knows I'm going to bed, like even though she sleeps most of time, yet she loves it when it's time to go sleep in the room, haha.
* Shower time :
It's her nightmare. First day it was too difficult but now she's less aggressive. I love how her fur looks so fresh and smells nice after the shower <3
* Food :
Uhh, It smells really horrible, but I want her to grow really fat. I want her fat n flufffyyyy. Yeah well I learnt that cats need special diet too, special food and I shouldn't mess it up. Like I can't give her junior's food and all of sudden I give her adult's! Also, there should be the hard food and the wet? food. Milk is important too.
* Pooping :
Okay, I know it's inappropriate xD but yeah what else should I write =P Cats have this nature of pooping in a place where there is so much soil. So unlike my fears, she didn't poop anywhere around the house. I brought her a litter and she knew her way. There was an info I read somewhere, if cats don't cover their poop they disrespect their owner. Funny eh? Well, for what I know mine covers hers like it's a treasure.
* Playing :
Cats love chasing things. So I bought her these few toys which I could move them and she would just chase them. She never gets bored of it and it's funny to watch h er jump and try hard to catch those things.
One more thing, everyone knows the obsession of cats with the laser. I also love to play pikaboo with her. I don't know whats with cats and coming closer to you everytime you hide your face and then show it again. hahah.
* Haunting
Cats are hunters. it's in their nature to hunt.
So yeah, if I'm cooking and lets say a small piece of brocolli or anyt vegetable fell down, I will find it later on my bed. That's her way of gifting haha! or a cotton bud fell, she will play with it but yeah she'll put it on my bed, as a GIFT! that's funny.
Cats are also obsessed with their tails. If they're doing anything, just hold their tail and show it to them, they'll forget everything else and just focus on their tail.
I just love 'Pasta' so much, she's so cute. I don't mind the fact she's not a Persian cat, I just adore her so much. It's cute how every night she would come and rub her head on me, cuddle and lick my cheeks [ which is btw annoying yet so cute ] and every morning she does the same. Well she's my sleeping buddy because she's the only one who enjoys sleeping as much as I do, but sometimes she would wake me up 'cause she needs attention and to play'.
'Pasta' is 8 months now, and I'm too attached to her. I'm still going to live in the Netherlands for 4 more years, I can't wait til she grows up and becomes a fat cat.
My kitty is officially Dutch, she's got THE PASSPORT.
Yeah, this blog post is a dedication to my little kitty.
This pasta is soo cute <3 I like her poses too good , simply too good :p