Friends, indeed are the family we get to choose.
I never cherished or thought I'd agree with the statement above, but I do now.
I know I might have spoke a lot about how abroad experience is so different, it indeed is. Being in a culture that is totally different than what you're used to is difficult. There is always that sense of homesick, that sense where you feel you don't belong here and you're not familiar with how things are, or what you're supposed to do.
Nowadays, no one will befriend you unless there is a benefit for them in it, isn't it? So few who would stick by your side and would want nothing from you in return.
To be honest, for someone like me to befriend people is difficult, since I'm that shy type of person who wouldn't talk much, but I could say that I'm changed now, at least that's how I feel, and the credit goes to my friends here, if it wasn't for them I'd be a loner.
Unlike UK and the USA, in Netherlands you don't find that arabic culture anywhere, Arabs don't come here for studies or work, but if they do, they're in big cities like Amsterdam or Den Haag, not in other cities, again since there are culture differences I might not feel so comfortable around other people, if you know what I mean.
My other Omani friends who study in the Netherlands, in different cities face difficulties and complain about having friends here, they say most of the Dutch people prefer being friends with Dutch only -which I find true tbh- since there is the language barrier as I like to believe, but even others give them hard time just because they are Arabs? Yes, such people still exist.
When I started the course here, I was the one who always sat alone and didn't really like to mingle with others, but that all changed because the people in my class were really friendly, they wouldn't leave you alone! Which was a good thing, although some others did show some kind of irritation or wouldn't still talk to me -we still don't talk much, not even hi- I would careless, as long as I'm surrounded by those who appreciate my company.
The thing is, my appreciation really started when these friends of mine respected the fact that I don't drink alcohol, and I don't eat except halal food, which might sound like a normal deal to anyone except that it is a big deal to me. Everyone here drinks. It's always about drinking. You can't hang out properly with someone unless you're drinking -at least that's my impression- However with these lots it's different. Not once they've made me feel uncomfortable for not drinking alcohol, but also when they invite me there is always non alcoholic drinks as they respect my situation. Also, they do provide either vegetarian food especially for me, or halal meat. That is so considerate, it did touch me. As I have been to places where people made fun of the fact I don't drink alcohol and only have to eat halal which irritated me, there was no consideration to what I believe.
Also, so many times when we go out, my friends take the initiation to ask the restaurant people if the food is halal or if there is any halal meat, if there wasn't they would choose somewhere else to eat, or find me a solution, this touched me so much actually.
Also, whenever I face some kind of problem, they're always there to offer help.
This is for all my friends who know themselves, I appreciate your presence and I love you guys so much, really. Thanks for considering about me and making me feel comfortable.
Very nice post. Keep it up :D