I know, no post since a very long time.
My lifestyle has dramatically changed ever since I came to Oman.
Recently, I've been encouraged to start writing again and I actually feel excited to do so.
I've decided to host a party this time, because; remember my epic parties in the Netherlands?
I thought hey I could do something similar here too, even though it wouldn't be mixed, just girls because I badly wanted to do it at my place, since it's been renovated [I'm sorry male friends, maybe next year or something, although it would've been fun having ya'll around too coz u know.. awesome funny people!]
Comparison: it is a little bit easier finding the material I want for decoration, cake, and much more in Oman than in the Netherlands, so I begun the preparations in my living-room.
Here are some pictures, during and after decorating the place.
Well off course you should know this time the theme was just pink atmosphere.
Hanging the balloons with the pictures were challenging because the AC would make them fall or the balloons would explode. Nevertheless I made sure I had balloons and pictures in the end.
25 balloons, for the 25 years, 50 pictures representing different phases of my life, the people who are and were in my life and all the ones I love!
PopCorn cups and cute mini water bottles. ALL PINK & LAMLOOMY!
oh yeah in case you were wondering where the popcorn is.. in my tummy!!
nah, popcorn better served hot! right?
aren't they just so cute!
I've made customized giveaways for my friends. I want them to remember this day, and I want them to feel special, therefore I've written each cute guest a letter, and as you could see, cute tiny little bucket and chocolate!
Honestly, the little sweets were done by Mama, and I thank her so much for helping arrange all food items, she's the cutest!! Cupcakes I ordered from Instagram ( @magic_bites_ )
& off course, my unicorn cake!!
Different view of the place
Another corner which was a must. I love memories I'm telling you!
Coz I've been murdering cakes ever since ... Dunno some long time ago
so that was all about the decoration, cake and food.
Now to the activity part of the birthday.
Arab timings; I've told my people to be there at 8.30, but they were late.. very late.
My friends don't know each other. Every friend I have, I hang out with separately, but because I'm a great host [yes I know I complain about being socially awkward and anxious but hey when it's my party, I'm the queen of the show ain't I? and since those people are actually my friends, it means I've crossed the socially awkward phase with them into a different level where I somehow can be\feel comfortable.] I introduced them to each other and explained how I befriended each, while waiting for others who confirmed they'd come, to arrive.
Now here's one thing that annoyed me, some people told me they'd come, but then canceled on the last minute. It actually hurt me, because I've put so much effort into it. food, giveaway, games and so on. Also most of what irritated me was; why'd you say you'd come then give me lame excuse? Just apologize from the beginning and don't give me hopes or waste my energy, you know? I ended up throwing 6 giveaways. What also was annoying, that some people confirmed they'd come, but they didn't and didn't bother texting and informing me they wouldn't, very annoying.
So total of 21 persons showed, 6 didn't show up.
we played games, I divided them into 3 games.
We played:
1. reversed charades:
you know, same old charades except that it's in reverse, where everyone's acting and one person is guessing. But since there were so many of them I let 3 guess and 4 act (it differed, as in it was 2 guess 3 act but as more people came that was the last set up), with 2 minutes to guess and 15 words to act.
It was hilarious and funny thing is everyone started bonding.
I chose the teams, didn't let them choose, to avoid any awkwardness, and the competing souls shone.
*there was a pause in between where the guests went to take water, eat some snacks, take lots of pictures of the beautiful place, and looking at my pictures!*
2. Doo doo:
They stayed in same teams, one person came out in each turn with 15 seconds, picked up a piece of paper in which I wrote a name of a song, and they had to sing it using the word 'doo'. What I read -& observed was true- that it was difficult because you're performing in front of people and 'doo' is harder than humming or using 'la la'.
Again it was hilarious and everyone got excited in the competing atmosphere.
I've planned for the games to start by 21.00 and end 22.30, but somehow it was 23.00 already so before playing the third game I told them it's time to cut the cake.
So we went to the cute pink decorated area, and they all gathered round and sang me happy birthday while I stood awkwardly kinda and started blushing. Blew the candles, mom fed me small piece, pictures were taken and cakes were given to my beautiful friends.
Then, although they wanted to continue playing, I insisted dinner first.
well, everyone got busy with the dinner and some were still asking if we'd play but guess what? Time was getting late and everyone started leaving, therefore unfortunately there was no time for third game which would have been hilarious too.
the 3rd game was that every team would write a number of acts they would want the enemy team to act, put them in bucket and randomly a person from the team would act it, funny thing is I wanted to see how would a team act if they got the 'act' which they wrote for others, you know? Karma!!
because everyone would write something mean.
So anyways, there was a henna corner which I'm o glad so many of my friends wanted to put henna, and it was cute and they were excited.
I made sure I spoke to everyone, but also everyone was already talking to everyone and that made me happy, no one was left in the corner observing and not talking (hint; that's me in any party).
well, by the end of the party I was pretty exhausted, funny thing is I didn't even eat the cake during the party, just ate a little later on, and then ate some more on the other days, and enjoyed it!
I unwrapped the gifts 3 days later, that's how much time I didn't have and how exhausted I was. The gifts were considerate, so were the cards. I friggin' love my friends and how they actually understand me.
I also received so many thank yous, because they didn't expect the letter to be so personalized and special.
Overall, that was such a happy occasion, everyone was happy, enjoyed themselves and touched.
And yet again, another successful event.
You're welcome.
Ps. I miss my Dutchies so much (Yeah not all of them were Dutch but well since we all lived in the Netherlands why not, shortcut!!). I love how they were all excited every time I hosted a party, in fact so many of them texted me on my birthday saying how they wish they could be there with me, and to be able to celebrate the birthday party together since, you know they're so epic.
For a while I felt like hosting a party at least every month, but then again I'm most of time too busy gaming =P
Thank you for reading such a long post, and I hope you've enjoyed reading, and maybe I would invite you someday if we end up being friends.
Until next epic party!
I'll try to blog more often, blame my pink pc and the games I play!