Monday, July 1, 2013


     I could see the number of viewers increasing, and checking the blog every now and then even when I'm not posting, that flatters me a lot. Readers, minions, followers I send you my regards and LOVE! Been busy with the exams, therefore couldn't have the time to post anything but hey, I remembered something I wanted to share. Something that has changed my life. The word on the title... yep : AGENDA!

       Always, reading that word made me feel like it's related to spies and dangerous stuff like that, especially when I used to listen to Craig David's 'hidden agenda'. Dunno,, just me and my thoughts!

       I was never ever the type of person who would plan my day\week\month, and the idea of it just made me feel so angry. I was always the type of person who would go with the flow, no plans no headache. I want to go out now, I will! I want to study, I will.. I want to watch TV anytime, heck I will, why plan?
     My parents would always yell at me, and told me to plan in order to not miss anything out or do things on the very last moment, but ey! There was the joy right.. doing it in the very last minute!
That doesn't work with me the same way anymore. Doing things in the very last minute and not planning is no longer an option, and not planning isn't an option.
    We had this 'personal development' class which I thought was useless, but I was mistaken =P if it wasn't for my teacher -who I'm giving all credits to, Mr. T - I wouldn't have started using Agenda. He kept on telling us every week and asking us if we have an agenda yet or not, make us feel bad if we're not using one. I went to a very short vacation to Oman [4 days] and told mom 'I need an agenda! i know you have lots of those' and she was actually surprised. I think she finally realized that I know now how it's important to plan and have and agenda.
    Mr. T made a bet with those who don't use 'agenda' and he said use it for a while and then I'll see if you would be able to live without it. I told myself 'who would want to use an agenda always, it's like being a robot' but yeah, I was mistaken and he was right. Once I started using it, it's a bit hard to stop. I mean with all the important events you need to attend\do stuff it's written there with the time, date and day! makes life much easier.
  It also kinda makes me feel like a vip. 
person ' Hey Lamy, you free on blabla day?' Me ' oh hey wait let me check my agenda'
yeah, badass boss over here!



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